學BB"行路" 髖關節靈活性訓練czonwong2020年7月10日讀畢需時 1 分鐘模仿BB"行路",可以增加髖,膝同埋足踝關節靈活性,又可以訓練大腿同臀部肌肉! 你亦都可以設計自己唔同嘅動作㗎! By imitating babies movement, we can improve mobility of our hip, knee and ankle joints, at the same time training our legs and glutes! You can also design your own movements!
模仿BB"行路",可以增加髖,膝同埋足踝關節靈活性,又可以訓練大腿同臀部肌肉! 你亦都可以設計自己唔同嘅動作㗎! By imitating babies movement, we can improve mobility of our hip, knee and ankle joints, at the same time training our legs and glutes! You can also design your own movements!